Ok, when I left off the old bed was in my bedroom, and the new bed was on the back porch. Well slightly more than 36 hours later, it's a near total reversal. The update is that my King size mattress and its 2 twin boxsprings are on the back porch waiting for the removal service that I have now paid for, but hasn't yet arrived. The new headboard, footboard, and rails are in my room and fully assembled, the mattress sits on the floor in the middle of it all, and the queen sized boxspring sits in the Youth Sunday School rooms next door a testament to the drama that has unfolded.
The story inbetween goes like this. The bed company arrived with all the new bedding sans orders to remove the old. Enter babbling woman mode, and I sent them away saying repetitively "I don't know what to do. There's no where to put the new bed. I don't know what to tell you." So my new bed sat outside in boxes.
Russ arrived home at 3:30pm. By this point I had managed to get the 2 twin boxsprings out of the house without much difficulty, but no manner of fighting, cajoling, pushing, pulling or shoving would convince that king size mattress that it was out of my life for good. Maybe it knew something that I didn't. Russ helped me fold it in half, bungee cord it, and shove it down the stairs as a king sized mattress burrito. We then started unpacking and prepping the new bed for installation in our room.
By 4pm I was at the bottom of the stairs in anxious anticipation of my new and glorious bed, but by 4:20pm I was terrified that I had made a terrible mistake. We couldn't get the headboard up the stairs. It was too large and cumbersome to make it around the weird little angles and up the narrow steep stairs. Finally around 4:30 we twisted it the only way we had left, pushed up a few of our dropped ceiling tiles, and made it!!
After the headboard the footboard was a cake-walk, well with the exception that being a solid piece of wood, we think it MIGHT just have been heavier than the headboard. A little maneuvering later we had installed all the side rails, and bottom supports and felt that we had earned a trip out to dinner. We thought we'd also stop and ask the mattress company if there was anyway to remedy the removal glitch and come back for the mattress, 2 boxsprings and trash from the new bed. After the woman twisted my words around enough to make a saint angry, she charged us another $50 for "Recycling fees" and said they'd pick up all the trash today (Friday the 13th, I should have KNOWN better!!!!)
So then we come home from grabbing a fast Wendy's meal and make our first attempt to get the queen sized mattress and boxspring upstairs. It's now about 8pm. An hour later, many fights, many many MANY tears, and 3 bruises on my tired body, the boxspring will not make it. There isn't any way. I'm so tired and upset that Russ and I decide to take out the bottom supports, lay the mattress (which we squished up the stairs) on the floor and go to sleep.
Friday the 13th....
I get up (around noon) check my facebook, and lo and behold my dear friend Julie says, "Hey Steph, what about a split queen boxspring?" A what? I know they make a split KING but a split QUEEN? NO I had NO IDEA!! So I call the mattress store again, "Sure we have those. It will cost you $100 to switch the boxsprings out and another $65 delivery fee." You're kidding right, Nope! So Russ calls back after I yell and scream and stomp my feet awhile, and he pays it! They tell him that it will be delivered tomorrow (Saturday the 14th) "Oh and Ma'am" he says, "will they PLEASE pick up the trash and mattress tomorrow too please?" She replies "Absolutely" and an hour later she calls to say that there is this "little known rule. Switches require management approval at the warehouse and he's gone for the week. We can't get it approved until Monday, so we can't deliver until Tuesday next week."

So ... I'm still sleeping on the floor... inside the frame of my gorgeous new bed...with all the trash on my backporch...a boxspring in the Youth Sunday School room ... and church meets in about 36 hours. Great.