Today my Joshua turns 8. Ok tomorrow afternoon, but close enough. It's so hard to believe. It seems like only yesterday that I became the panicked mother of 15 month old and 2 minute old sons. The moment I looked into those deep deep blue eyes I was lost in love.
Your hair was so blonde it was white, your eyes so deeply blue they looked nearly purple and your ears came out slightly rumpled to the point that your daddy said "AH! He's an elf!" You were not a happy baby. Chronic acid reflux made you sick almost constantly for months and you'd cry incessantly at times. The only person who could make you happy was your Grampy.
You outgrew your troubles and became a happy funny child. You love to laugh and make the rest of us laugh along with you. Everyone who meets you loves you and you are your Aunt Cindy's favorite (don't tell your brothers!) and you love others with a fierceness that no one else can touch.
You are my little helper as long as I'm not asking you to clean, but that's okay, there are other jobs to be done.
Today is your day. We have some surprises in store for you, and the whole school is even cancelling class in your honor. Okay, okay, so they call it "Field Day" but we know better. *wink* Have a happy birthday, son. We all love you.