Ahhh what a question... not something I envision Shakespeare pondering, but nonetheless, my muse of the week. I wanted this blog to be upbeat and positive, and the whole mess with the bed already went and blew a hole in that. So I recommitted to myself that this would not be a gripey whiney blog. But you know what folks? I said I'd keep it real too, and maybe this blog could help someone even if it was only me.
So in minor detail my week has gone something like this Monday came and went without incident, and then Tuesday the world shifted on its axis as we learned that a branch of the family tree (and dear friends of ours) were being ordered to a duty station an entire hemisphere away. 12 short hours later my husband hit a major emotional hurtle in his coursework that left him pondering dropping out of his classes and changing the course of this family forever. That announcement led to me throwing a hissy fit well past midnight. At 9:30am Wednesday morning as I grappled with all this news I got that dreaded call "Your grandmother was admitted to the hospital. We don't know anything yet, go to work, try not to think about it, we'll let you know..."
I went to work and looked at my assistant manager and said "Keep me busy. REALLY BUSY. Mind numbing, can't think straight, can't get lost in my mind....busy." and he did.
It is now Thursday evening. The family is still (as far as I know) going around the world from me. My husband's class issue is (as far as I know) not resolved. He is (as far as I know) STAYING in school (right, honey...this is where you nod to keep me happy)... and my grandmother seems to have once again rebounded herself right back to her 91 year young state.
It can all be done now. I'm ready to accept the new normal, just please, no more for a bit. Please?
Well, love, it may be that only ONE twig of the branch will be going around the world...hopefully we will know more tomorrow. I totally understand being upside-down, inside-out and breathing through a tube...What happened with Russ!??!!?!?
Oh honey, sorry about the twig. Hopefully it will all work out! As for the Russ....way too much to tell here! OH FACEBOOK!
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