Monday, January 11, 2010

A little reminder why we went through all of this...

Today was an awesome day and a reminder from God just why we made so many changes this summer. Russ, Alex and I spent the entire day together WHILE Daddy was working. We went down to Louisville all day. We went to Daddy's school and got flu shots :( and registered him for new classes : and ran through the snow covered quad :).

Then we went to music stores and played all kinds of electronic keyboards (and even slipped in a baby grand or two!) so the church can purchase a new one!!! I've never had so much fun while WORKING!! Then we had the first Panera Bread we've had in MONTHS.........num num num!

It was like a date, only more awesome, because this is the new us! This is what Russ's work IS! It is SO nice to have him with me and loving his job. Aaaaagh. Now off to bed! Goodnight friends!

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